

Get Started

Get Started

Fill out the below form, and we will contact you about the Microsoft DCO program.

* = Required field

Company name must be alphanumeric, 2-50 characters long ( ' , . ) are allowed

Please select your partnership type in the Microsoft CSP program

I attest that I have received the partner’s verbal or written consent to submit their information on this form so the partner may receive a transactional follow-up email from Microsoft.

First name must be alphanumeric, 2-30 characters long ' and spaces are allowed

Last name must be alphanumeric, 2-30 characters long ' - and spaces are allowed

Ex +1 800 555 5555, +44 (0) 20 7123 4567, 123-456-7890, (123) 456-7890

Valid email address format only

Microsoft PDM/Account Rep name must be alphanumeric, 2-60 characters long ' - and spaces are allowed

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